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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  September 28, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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when it comes to expanding opportunity in every neighborhood, i know that we must do even better. 33333333333333333333333333333333 good eve good evening. it was quite a site this evening. 700 people evacuated out of the eiffel tower. anxiously ushered down 1,000 feet to the ground. and it's the second time this has happened in two weeks. there was no bomb, but french officials have issued a high alert for a group of terrorists said to be targeting a number of countries including the usa. and for it part, the u.s. has ramped up missile strikes over militant training grounds in pakistan. we have two reports on all of this tonight from our senior team, beginning right here with chief investigative correspondent brian ross.
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brian? >> reporter: diane, what's behind all this is what a senior u.s. and european officials tell us is a credible threat of a major coordinated series of attacks in britain, france and possibly the u.s. the official said no specific time or place was known, but that the plan -- involving commando like attacks against economic targets in europe -- had been detected after the capture this summer of a radicalized german muslim who reportedly had been training with teams of others in pakistan for the attacks. now a worldwide manhunt is underway. among those being sought are a group of other radicalized germans who have been training at terror camps in pakistan, producing videos in german to gain more recruits. german officials say some of the recruits actually came from the same mosque in hamburg where the 9/11 hijackers gathered. the mosque was closed in early august after officials learned of the plot.
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>> most of these guys share a very pronounced anti-americanism. >> reporter: officials believe at least one team of german jihadists was dispatched to europe over the summer, travelling on german passports which require no visa to enter the u.s. u.s. law enforcement officials say the captured germans said the new attack would be a commando-style raid similar to the attack in mumbai almost two years ago. >> reporter: i'm martha raddatz. the deadly drone strikes have targeted this mountainous area we flew over on pakistan/afghanistan border where the u.s. is hitting hard. just look at this chart. the previous high in january, 12, down to four in august, and now spiking to at least 20 so far in september. a three-fold increase in special operations raids resulting in a treasure trove of intelligence has helped make the drone strikes possible. the strikes are also a clear sign that the u.s. is frustrated with pakistani efforts against
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the militants. >> the sanctuaries and safe havens, there will have to be more done about them. >> reporter: and you're putting pressure on. >> there will have to be more pressure. no question. >> reporter: the u.s. military is also hitting hard in this border area. >> on top of the hillstop is pakistan. >> reporter: targeting fighters loyal to this man, who has been orchestrating attacks on u.s. forces at an alarming rate. they keep coming back? >> it does. it's right over there. >> reporter: so, there's no question these strikes will continue, both from cia drones and u.s. helicopters. diane? >> all right, martha raddatz reporting on a watchful time. and thanks to brian ross, as well. and now, part of the us economy. a new spotlight today on an old problem for one-half the people in america. a new report showing female managers earn just 81 cents for
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every dollar male managers are making. barely budged in a decade. why? we have the hearing on capitol hill, and something ocean perts say women must do. here's sharyn alfonsi. >> reporter: companies are always looking for that one thing that might boelser their bottom line. campbell's soup may have discovered the secret ingredi t ingredient. women. denise morrison will be their new ceo. they've increased the number of women executives from 21% to 25%, in just four years. the result? have you seen sales take off at all? >> sales are mm, mm good. >> reporter: up 15% this year. the company outperforming the s&p. and companies with more women executives consistently outperform those with fewer women. which makes the data revealed on capitol hill today even harder to swallow. >> women are stuck. despite decades of efforts to
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create opportunities for enhancement. >> reporter: one study shows women make up half the labor force, but only 25% are senior officers. less than that hold board seats. and even less an executive office. but perhaps most surprising, women make up less than 3% of ceos. and researchers found women with mbas earn $4,600 less in their initial jobs. part of it discrimination, part of it that women just don't negotiate as well. take this "gma" behavior lab. volunteers were told they'd be paid anywhere from $5 to $12, but it was negotiable. >> i would like the max. >> reporter: half the men asked for more money, but only a third of women bargained for more. but experts say it's not just the women getting shortchanged, it's companies and their shareholders. sharyn alfonsi, abc news, new york. as you know, election day is exactly five weeks away, and
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last night, we told you hue the president is putting on a full-court press to rally the under 30 crowd, who fired up the vote go years ago. the president is holding a rally at the university of wisconsin, and jake tapper is there tonight. so, jake, how does it compare to the yes we can days? >> reporter: well, back in february 2008, there were roughly 17,000 students who turned out to see then candidate obam obama. there are roughly 10,000 here today, we're told. still impressive, but the enthusiasm level does seem to be dampened a bit. the crowd is happy to be here, but they seem able to contain their excitement. >> tell me more about what the president said today. we heard him seeming to chide the democrats about waking up? >> reporter: that's exactly right. and this comes on the heels of vice president biden yesterday saying that the democratic base needs to stop whining. president obama did an interview with "rolling stone," where he was asked about the lessened
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enthusiasm among the democratic voters. >> it is inexcusable for any democrat or processive right now to stand on the sidelines in this mid-term election. the idea that we've got a lack of enthusiasm in the democratic base that people are sitting on their hands, complaining, is just irresponsible. you know, people need to shake off this lethargy. people need to buck up. bringing about change is hard. >> reporter: and diane, a lot of liberals and democrats we spoke to today did not understand this message coming from the president. the vice president and the white house. they think it will actually depress voter turnout, and some thing the white house is setting up a narrative so that after a bad election, mid-term election season, they'll be able to blame the left instead of assuming their own responsibility. diane? >> jake tapper, thank you. and as jake has been reporting, it now looks as if white house chief of staff rahm emanuel, a crucial player in the
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obama white house, will make his departure official very soon, maybe by the end of the week. expected to run for the mayor of chicago. a health scare for former president jimmy carter today. mr. carter who is 85 years old, felt sick on a flight from atlanta to cleveland. he was taken to the hospital, where he is resting tonight. doctors say it was an upset stomach. and a frightening time today at the university of texas in austin. the campus went on lockdown, and police swarmed as a gunman in a ski mask started firing an ak-47 inside a library. the man, a 19-year-old sophomore then shot and killed himself. no one else was hurt. that campus, as you remember, was the scene of the notorious clocktower shootings in 1966 when a gunman killed 16 people. and ak-47s are at the heart of a strange tale out of arizona tonight, all of item broiled in the fierce immigration debate. a sheriff's deputy said he was
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ambushed in the desert and wounded by drug smugglers with assault rifles. and the event became a rallying cry against undocumented immigrants. but tonight, an investigation. did the deputy fire the gun at himself? here's david wright. >> reporter: one week after the governor signed a tough new anti-immigration bill, this was the dramatic incident that focused the debate here. >> get me some help. >> okay, okay. >> reporter: a firefight in the arizona desert, overheard on a 911 call, as the sheriff's deputy called for backup. >> how are you, bud? >> tell my wife i love her. >> reporter: the pinal county sheriff claimed his deputy was ambushed by a band of mexicans smuggling marijuana. >> what appears to be 20 or 30 rounds were fired at him. >> reporter: the sheriff immediately became the darling of arizona's anti-immigrant movement. at a diamondbacks game, he awarded the deputy a purple heart before he threw out the first pitch. he's had cameos in john mccain's
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campaign ads. >> senator -- you're one of us. >> reporter: the problem is, there's now mounting evidence the whole incident was a hoax. serious holes emerged this week in the deputy's story, starting with that bullet wound in his side. one of the nation's top forensic experts says the evidence points to self-inflicted wound. the powder burns indicate the muzzle was in contact with the body. >> i cannot tell you who held the gun, who pulled the trigger, but in theory, an individual could cause this wound to himself. >> reporter: although hundreds of law enforcement responded to the scene, they never recovered the bales of marijuana or the supposed shooters. the deputy isn't talking right now. but for now, the sheriff is sticking to his guns. >> to try to dismiss it or excuse it with some type of a hypothetical conspiracy theory is a far stretch. >> reporter: he's now reopening the investigation, not because he doesn't believe his deputy, but rather, he says, because he hopes to exonerate him. david wright, abc news, phoenix.
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and one more note from overseas, and one of the most secretive places on earth. north korea, celebrated as the son of the leader got a big promotion to four-star general, putting him in line to take over the country. one family has ruled the mysterious nuclear power from grandfather to father and some day, apparently, son. little is known about the heri apparent. k he is believed to be 27. still on "world news," a question of faith. fellow americans tried to answer some questions about religion. how will you fare? and, i want to take you home to louisville, to show you some hometown solutions in these tough economic times. it's pain relief without the pills. no pills, no pain. how can you get pain relief without taking pills around the clock? try thermacare heatwraps,
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faith, even when we've just left mass. will you tell me the names of the first four books of the new testament of the bible. that is, the four gospels? >> mark, john, matthew -- >> no, i don't know them. >> reporter: you just went to mass. >> yes. >> reporter: you don't know the four gospels? >> no. >> reporter: so what are they? matthew, mark, luke and john, and fewer than half of americans got it right. in fact, out of 32 questions on this pop quiz from the pew forum on religion and public life, americans got, on average, 16 right. do you happen to know the name of the holy book in islam? >> koran. >> reporter: your right. >> good job. >> reporter: the highest scorer, atheists and agnostics, who got nearly 21 questions right as compared to white, evangelical protestants, who scored an average of 17.6 and hispanic catholics, who got an average of 11.6 questions correct. what's the first book of the
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bible? >> genesis. >> reporter: where, according to the bible, was jesus born? >> jerusalem. >> reporter: bethlehem. >> oh, yeah, bethlehem. that's embarrassing. >> reporter: church leaders we spoke to today said they found the apparently low bible literacy troubling. >> we need a church that's strong, that knows its own holy book, and that is living according to it. >> reporter: the survey's authors say the poll doesn't mean americans aren't serious about their faith, but church leaders say it may mean they have to get back to basics. dan harris, abc news, new york. and let's test your knowledge one more time. which one of these is not one of the ten commandments? you can find the answer and take the whole quiz for yourself, compare yourself to other americans, on our website, a and coming up, imagine this. you're a couple taking engagement photos and a music legend randomly appears.
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think you know who it is? we'll be back. before roe, my solution to the problem was to go ahead
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and a new meaning to the phrase star-crossed lovers. and the star in question? well, two love birds were taking engagement photos on the jersey shore. who was there? bruce spring stein, sitting on the board walk. the groom to be, an amateur musician, was carrying a guitar at the time. >> i was like, hey, play, my initial reaction was to hand it to him. >> reporter: you play. the boss serenaded them with an improvised love song. talk about an engamement to remember. coming up next, come home with me, to lieu vice, and how to make a difference for neighbors when finances are tight. [ woman ] alright, so this tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours.
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find out how you can save money on your prescription this week, we decided that some of us would go back home, to see how american resilience and imagination are strong, ready to rebuild the economy. yesterday, you may have seen david muir taking you to his hometown of syracuse to see how factory workers are retraining and getting jobs. well, tonight, we are off to louisville, kentucky, and some of the places and people i love. in memory, home is my first bike, playing dress-up on the front lawn. and a street called sterling road that still seems like a blueprint for norman rockwell painting. there was a story, my dad, and other world war ii veterans, got loans to build houses here together. adding the methodist church at the end of our road. and this was our house. once, when the owners let me wander through, i found upstairs, our old wallpaper. >> it is the same?
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>> reporter: absolutely our wallpaper. i remember the little flowers. and on the door to the attic? diane, 5'8". back then, the average income was $5,300. unemployment, 5.5%. we different have a lot, but it felt so secure. fla flashforward to louisville today. unemployment, 9.7%. 63,000 people still looking for work tonight. big lines just to get an application. >> i was just speaking to people in line. some of them don't have utilities on in their homes. no water, no lights. >> so glad you're here, you sweet thing. thank you for coming. >> reporter: and when you're in the dark, sometimes one outstretched hand can save your life. this is a group called muscl. multidenominal, christians, jews, all welcome. and their idea is, for one month, whoever you are, they'll try to help.
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>> if we can stop the bleeding for 30 days, and that's what we try to do, and just let them regroup, and maybe gain some self-esteem back. >> reporter: take someone like todd gary, once a thriving real estate agent. is this the first time you've had to come for this kind of help? >> yes, it is. yes, it is. >> reporter: hard to do? >> never in my lind. but they were great. >> reporter: and the group goes to the electric company and the water company and gets them to donate. for extra money to help others, they have volunteer retirees who have turned into action super heroes. ed jar fritz collects cans and brings in hundreds of dollars. >> we have to have the -- >> reporter: it's louisville and don't you forget it. my mom and i saw people pulling together all over town. even at a famous louisville landmark, the 93-year-old brown hotel. have you ever heard of a sandwich called a hot brown?
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i've been coming here half my life. this is prize. you have to know. this is like letting you into the secret vault to get in here where they make the hot browns. but times have been really tough at this great old hotel. which makes it even more impossible what they did for that 200 'em mroir yeeps. >> we did not lay off any employees. >> reporter: not one employee. >> not one. >> reporter: instead, the brown trained everybody on the staff for second skills to double up. for instance, a maid learns electrical maintenance. the doormen now serves drinks. like i said, louisville has a heart as big as, well, your hometown. but the need is so great, everybody knows we have to do more. ann smith says she can only help two out of every 40 families who call. >> we are so sad, but -- it's going to be okay. soon. we have to just turn it over, you know. >> reporter: well, what you're doing to make it okay. it's simply awesome.
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and the one little candle principle, if you just light that one candle. light one candle, it's that children's song we sang back on sterling road. >> well, most people in this room have lit a chandelier, let me tell you. ♪ just one little candle >> and we have so many more stories of people in louisville who are reaching out to help others, and we put them online. we hope you'll share your own stories, and one more treat, that hot brown recipe, oh, my. it will be there, too. good night. four years ago, bob ehrlich got fired as governor of maryland. for good reason.
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first, he protected tax loopholes for giant cable cable companies. then, he let utilities jack up our rates 72%. and for the last four years, he worked as a hired gun for big corporations, even a bank that took billions from a taxpayer funded bailout. ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrlich big banks and billionares don't need help. middle class marylanders do. hey ove, i'm gcapital one bank. anythey're everywhere. yeah, you're right! ♪ [ male announcer ] capital one banks are everywhere. [ clang! ] with hundreds of branches and atms, they're hard to miss. hey, there's one right up the street. [ male announcer ] capital one bank. the most branches and atms in the dc area. what's in your wallet? ove, go long!


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